
UCC Rendez-Vous 2014

What is Rendez-Vous?
A gathering of United Church of Canada youth (going into grade 9), young adults (under 30), and their leaders from all across Canada. Full info can be found at uccrendezvous.ca
August 13th to 16th, 2014
University of Manitoba – Winnipeg, MB
How much?
Check out the registration page for details.

"Rendez-vous 2014 is a United Church of Canada national gathering for youth, young adults, and their leaders. It is an opportunity to come together and worship, dream, and connect with one another.  This event will provide a showcase for local, regional, and national ministry ideas, speakers, and musicians.  Participants will take part in inspired and powerful worship, listen to engaging and relevant speakers, participate in workshops and exposure trips, and create community with peers from across this country.
Rendez-vous is an event for all people who are passionate about youth and young adult ministries in The United Church of Canada.  Rendez-vous is for high school aged youth who want to connect with other young people sharing the same struggles and search for meaning in life.  Rendez-vous is for young adults discerning where and how God is calling them to live their life.  Rendez-vous is for educators and leaders who desire a better understanding of the value of youth and young adult ministry and desire contextual, theologically based resources to serve their ministries faithfully."