An Excerpt from "The Words We Carry with Us"
(Video by SDUC Youth & Words by Aaron Navrady)
There is a great deal of conversation about what we ‘believe’ in the Bible, whether we ‘believe’ what is written about God. But God is something we know and recognize when we encounter God, regardless of what we believe. When you bump into God, you just know that God was there, somehow.
Sometimes, we bump into God when we’re reading the Bible. You’ll recognize God when you meet him there. The words will just ... start speaking to you. It requires paying attention, a certain readiness for that next fleeting glimpse. Don’t focus too hard on ‘reading God’... just keep reading, and be ready for when it happens.
Of course, we might encounter God in other books, should the Bible not be available. Wherever words are found, there is a chance God may speak through them. It may be that you don’t even remember how the story goes correctly, you mix up the characters or the words come out different than how they were written… but you remember God speaking to you.
It’s almost as if we each carry our own internal scrapbook, our own Holy Book of the memories of our encounters with God. Amongst these memories are sayings and stories from our tradition that have a certain voice, if only to us.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. I wonder what words you carry with you?